All are welcome to receive the nourishment of Purna Satsang.

We accept the grace of dana donations as a natural sharing of generosity, not a system of payment or exchange.

This allows you to give from a natural impulse within that recognizes the value of what nourishes and supports the whole. Wholeness flowing within itself is a self-sustaining intelligence. It also offers you autonomy and freedom to trust and align with the clarity of your intuitive knowing.

We receive all your contributions with radiant gratitude and love. Thank you.

Donations can be offered via PayPal, the processing fees are approx. 3% which you may optionally choose to cover in your donation amount. Thank you.

Residents of Canada can offer donations via e-transfer to skip all fees. The office will happily share the details required.

Thank you.


Some questions we get asked about donations:

Does ‘by donation’ mean these offerings are free?

Free is a thought form in the transactional exchange and payment system. Zero is an amount, the same as 10 or 100. The invitation is to give what feels right for you, as an honouring and support of what nourishes you and the whole.  As you feel the grace of the Satsang sharings there will be a natural movement to offer support, to jump into the abundant flow of giving and sharing. 

By donation means that you decide how much to offer from the heart that knows what it is worth to you.  If you are experiencing financial hardship please receive the nourishment freely and free of concern. Everyone who is drawn to be in the gathering of Satsang is wholeheartedly welcome. 

How do I decide an amount?

Your heart knows. Don’t think about it or use ways of measuring. Listen and move from the heart. An amount will pop in. Trust your intuitive knowing. Give from here.

What happens to donations?

Donations flow towards the resources and infrastructure that supports Satsang sharing; this includes supporting Purna in a simple life. Everything is directed to the sharing of this Truth and supporting those engaged deeply in living this Truth.

Why don’t you charge an exact amount?

So that everyone who is drawn to Satsang is able to join and be nourished. Satsang is an all inclusive flow of Love.

When we align with the natural flow of life there is abundance and enough for everyone. We shift from a payment and exchange transactional mentality, to a sharing, caring way of living and Being. As one whole supporting itself, we enter the natural flow of abundance. 

We all have different ways of offering into the whole and the more aligned we are with nature, we move clearly to give, share and support in a flow of Love. We find to offer and support the whole feels enriching in unimaginable ways as it’s natural.

Thank you so much for your support and care.
