What is an Infusion?

Purna Satsang Infusions share the resonance of Silence, inviting remembrance of natural Being and the Pure Light frequency. Infusions spontaneously express what is happening in the field and speak to the laws of nature (the impersonal flows and structures of intelligence that order the appearance of creation) allowing surfacing, healing and transmutation of discordance. They also purify and recalibrate flows of intelligence into finer frequencies of remembrance and reverberate out in support of the whole collective awakening consciousness. 

They also offer guidance and clear expressions of the mechanics and wisdom of consciousness which is natural intelligence, so that you may attune to the resonance of remembrance of the Light frequency and Pure Love you are.  It feels like a simple knowing of what is True. Being Truth.

Every time an infusion is received it goes deeper. It is not about the information shared, although that may offer insight and clarity which is beautifully supportive. The deeper shifting is happening in the unseen as consciousness remembers its purity and is drawn deeper into itself.

It is just to notice how you feel, what resonates and allow. Where there is a stirring purification is happening. It's all wonderful. Where you can feel the resonance and alignment happening, it is immediate. Now! Be open, natural, rest deeply and receive. 

Infusions are maps of resonant light and offer big picture, overarching views of the evolutionary impulse of consciousness to know its own divinity and also laser sharp clarity on the dynamics and patterns as they play out, untangle and purify.

Multi-dimensional support is received as the nervous system / consciousness is refined allowing deeper opening and abidance in Being and for subtler refinement to happen allowing a natural opening to finer and finer frequencies of the resonant Light, that is the Glory of Divine Wholeness.

Each infusion is a complete intelligent process. The length is according to what needs to happen, shift, reveal, purify and open in a Satsang meeting. They focus on uplifting the frequency via Light transmission and will express and work to clear the field and offer support and also celebrate the Glory of Pure Divine Wholeness.

You may feel like your questions get answered or issues you are experiencing are naturally addressed. We could say the sharing is the voice of your conscious intuitive Heart being reflected to you. You receive according to your capacity and openness.

It is impossible to express the scope and intelligence of how an infusion works and so it is to trust the natural pull of the Heart to the resonance of the sharing, over the mind’s attempts to make sense or evaluate.

Infusions purify the environment and collective consciousness via the deeper flows of intelligence. So much more than what it all appears!

Infusions are a flow of grace. A radiant celebration of the Power, the Glory and Radiant Light of Divine Wholeness that is ever integral and free. A reminder that You are That Wholeness. Infusions are literally an infusion, a deep soaking in the fine resonant frequencies of Pure Integral Wholeness. Enjoy!

What may happen during an Infusion?

You may notice that you quieten and relax as the mind consciousness naturally rests in the presence of Being, in the presence of Love. You may directly experience the simplicity of Being, the openness, naturalness and knowing of yourself as the boundless, timeless presence.

You may feel happy, light, free and clear. You may feel peaceful and still and deeply immersed or an alive flow or feeling of expansion or even bursting. This is the flow of Life.

You may also feel stirred or triggered. This is purification happening and it is just to allow it all to move through. Know that nothing is wrong if purification happens.

You could feel tired and sleepy. Fatigue also comes in as a purification, allowing the nervous system to restore and recalibrate in the presence of Love. 

Purification is always happening in the presence of Love as patterns of limitation are being transmuted and untangled into the impersonal, unlimited, finer frequency and remembrance of true nature - Love itself.

You can listen to a whole infusion while resting or sitting in a focused way. You can also listen as you are preparing to sleep or quietly while napping.

You may also feel bored and that you don’t want to keep listening. That is ok. Take in as much as you can. It is fine to take in small bursts, sips of sweetness, when you feel pulled and this allows the nervous system to gently refine and adjust.

Rest assured that if you are drawn to receive these infusions, consciousness is ready to refine. 

If the nervous system is more refined, you will likely drop deeper and deeper in and feel flows of alive Bliss which is nectarine nourishment. You may feel more open and be able to receive the fine frequencies of Pure Love more deeply, which again is profound nourishment and great support in the unravelling of the residues of patterns in consciousness.

Always feel free to ask questions via the office.

Thank you.